This is one of the major problem when you will see some sticky little bump white or yellowish patches on the tonsil and you always try to see it again and wanted to overcome such problem and it also happen with you that you have gone to ENT specialist couple of times ever then no result, so what to do, may be you have many thing but always thinking about that is it cancer something like that.
If you are going through all these things then you are in the right place, how? Because little something in the same phase I have gone through for at least six months, its all about mantle pressure that what will happen? What is it? Why this is not going? Always try to look at it? Even someone of your friend might to told you avoid seeing on mirror and these that.
What is the name of having white spots on tonsil-
Not only tonsil those white spot can be on pharynx and that is also know as pharyngitis and having white spot on tonsil is known as tonsillitis, see tonsil itself good not a diseases, it is really necessary and it works like health guard which help us to keep our body virus free and free infection causes from virus and when virus are more in that time it itself inflammation by virus that is called as tonsillitis, in simple words you can say tonsil is good for us.
Why Tonsillectomy is Not Recommended-
Well, I know there are many those don't have patience and after getting frequent white spot on tonsil, they always went to doctor and go for surgery which is called tonsillectomy and which I don't recommend anyone because that's the last option and if you are getting such white spot then I will suggest you to go through the article you will get very good information about this issue, because I have been in the same situation, having tension what is it and what happened to me and these that thought but after learning about it in depth I came to know almost all things about it, so this blog I have created because of that, hope this blog post will help lot of people those are suffering from the same condition, which I was in.
Okay let me tell you the real story about it-
One day, I was looking at the ulcer inside my mouth, it was common for me, because it happened with me, when happened I usually take some precaution through doctor and within couple of days its gone, simple till that time no problem.
But, in that day I saw a little white spot or yellow spot on the tonsil, so I was wanted to know about and I have search in the internet about it and found lot of information including taking off my tonsil that can be done through surgery and later I came to know benefits of tonsil in our body, so immediately I went to an ENT specialist and talk about the issue he told me that this is normal and it will be gone with time.
With that he has given me a liquid to gurgle and through for 15 days and its gone after using five days, but guess what just after seven days I have seen the same condition, but yes I did not feel any pain, many feel pain on tonsil when they have tonsillitis and there are many have such problem.
But, I did not have any pain, well it is also possible with you, because I have already talk with many doctors regarding this.
Let me tell you dear just after taking precaution, advice and of course regular Yoga help me to overcome such problem, late I will share with you my whole e-book solve your tonsillitis problem from root, that is for sure, because I know this is going to help lot of people indeed.
So, that is how I came to know White Spot on My Tonsil with No Pain, okay let me share with you what are causes for having white spot on tonsil-
Here are few steps to do-
I tried all but did not get any help because I did have recurrent tonsil problem, but today I got the solution to such problem that's why I am sharing with you all these things that's why you will get perfect solution for you.
Okay, here are home remedies for you-
I did the same and got very positive result from it, so you can discuss the problem with doctors properly and try to find out a reason behind it, will be helpful.
Well, doctor and I have shared with you three modes for getting solution for your problem but if you have problem recurrent then you need to away from allopathic medicine, at least I have learn from my own problem, that's why I am saying this.
Here is the two most important solution-
If you are going through all these things then you are in the right place, how? Because little something in the same phase I have gone through for at least six months, its all about mantle pressure that what will happen? What is it? Why this is not going? Always try to look at it? Even someone of your friend might to told you avoid seeing on mirror and these that.
What is the name of having white spots on tonsil-
Not only tonsil those white spot can be on pharynx and that is also know as pharyngitis and having white spot on tonsil is known as tonsillitis, see tonsil itself good not a diseases, it is really necessary and it works like health guard which help us to keep our body virus free and free infection causes from virus and when virus are more in that time it itself inflammation by virus that is called as tonsillitis, in simple words you can say tonsil is good for us.
Why Tonsillectomy is Not Recommended-
Well, I know there are many those don't have patience and after getting frequent white spot on tonsil, they always went to doctor and go for surgery which is called tonsillectomy and which I don't recommend anyone because that's the last option and if you are getting such white spot then I will suggest you to go through the article you will get very good information about this issue, because I have been in the same situation, having tension what is it and what happened to me and these that thought but after learning about it in depth I came to know almost all things about it, so this blog I have created because of that, hope this blog post will help lot of people those are suffering from the same condition, which I was in.
Okay let me tell you the real story about it-
How I Came to Know about White Spot on Tonsil-
There are many those usually see teeth, if they have white teeth its great if they don't have then even it is good, always people wanted to see such teeth and even inner side of the mouth, there are many even having frequent mouth ulcer, I will talk lot on these topics in this blog only, because lot of experience in it.One day, I was looking at the ulcer inside my mouth, it was common for me, because it happened with me, when happened I usually take some precaution through doctor and within couple of days its gone, simple till that time no problem.
But, in that day I saw a little white spot or yellow spot on the tonsil, so I was wanted to know about and I have search in the internet about it and found lot of information including taking off my tonsil that can be done through surgery and later I came to know benefits of tonsil in our body, so immediately I went to an ENT specialist and talk about the issue he told me that this is normal and it will be gone with time.
With that he has given me a liquid to gurgle and through for 15 days and its gone after using five days, but guess what just after seven days I have seen the same condition, but yes I did not feel any pain, many feel pain on tonsil when they have tonsillitis and there are many have such problem.
But, I did not have any pain, well it is also possible with you, because I have already talk with many doctors regarding this.
Let me tell you dear just after taking precaution, advice and of course regular Yoga help me to overcome such problem, late I will share with you my whole e-book solve your tonsillitis problem from root, that is for sure, because I know this is going to help lot of people indeed.
So, that is how I came to know White Spot on My Tonsil with No Pain, okay let me share with you what are causes for having white spot on tonsil-
- Virus attack [Most of the time]
- Vomiting
- Any kind of internal infection and so on
What to Do When You Have White Spot on Tonsil-
This is one of the simple but most important step, first you need to be aware all about, I mean first you have to confirmed that you have tonsillitis and what type of is it, then only you will go through steps, see may be you are one of them someone of your known suffering from the same problem.Here are few steps to do-
- First of all see the size and is it painful or not, if not painful and size is simple let it will be resolve by itself, I mean don't take tension just let it will be solve itself.
- If it is not going in the next two to three days maximum five days, directly go to ENT specialist and if possible go for a test for understanding about like swab test.
- Because based on the test, doctor will be easily give you just perfect antibiotic for solving the issue.
- If it is tonsil stone then don't worry it will resolve by itself only, but you need to take advice from doctor.
Home Remedies If You Have White Spots on Tonsil-
Well, there are many ways you can overcome from such problem if it is not recurrent, but yes sometimes it takes little time to go away, sometimes you have to take antibiotic or may be go through test (throat swab test to know about the virus) and sometimes even go away through home remedies.I tried all but did not get any help because I did have recurrent tonsil problem, but today I got the solution to such problem that's why I am sharing with you all these things that's why you will get perfect solution for you.
Okay, here are home remedies for you-
- Gargle twice with warm salt water
- Don't drink cold water
- Don't eat ice cream for little long even it has gone away
- If you have turmeric powder or can able to arrange turmeric juice then its great, just take a spoon juice or powered and then let it be gone through your throat slowly do it twice a day
- Drink too much water
- Take bed rest and sleep more
- Don't eat any spicy food for little long time
- Don't drink cold drink
- Be happy and tension free is the best one
- Don't try to look at the white spots very often
Solution for Recurrent White Spots on Tonsils-
Well, this is not good if you are going through recurrent tonsillitis means if it not coming without a reason and going after taking a round of antibiotics then you need to take care of it, exactly from the same situation I was suffering having tension in my mind and there are lot of thinking I was thinking about and even I was thinking about tonsillectomy (means taking out the tonsil through surgery), but after knowing the benefits of having tonsil in our body I was got surprised and then come to know that better to find out the root cause behind it.
For knowing the root cause behind it, I have started searching and start meeting and talking lot of people and of course ENT specialist then I came to know the real causes of it-
I wanted to share with you in details what I did to overcome from such problem, see there is a root cause behind is weakness right, so you have to work on its weak point and need to know why it is happening, for me it happened because I eat sweets much so, doctor suggest me to eat sweets but less, if I usually eat four sweets a day then eat one sweet a day, if possible eat one sweet in every three days for good.For knowing the root cause behind it, I have started searching and start meeting and talking lot of people and of course ENT specialist then I came to know the real causes of it-
- Immunity Problem
- Virus attack
These are two most causes for recurrent tonsillitis problem and immunity problem can not be resolve with surgery so, I was confused what to do?
Because there were no solution to Allopathic medicine, well there are two more type of medicine present in this world where allopathic stop thinking there they start working so I moved to two most important sources-
- Ayurvedic and
- Homoeopathy
And of course YOGA, there I have started doing yoga for helping my body keep healthy because its all because of immunity problem and for boosting immunity you need to avoid eating-
- Fast food like burger and these that
- Cold drink
- ice cream and of course spicy food
And one of the another BIG source of virus attack is sweet, so when you are suffering from this condition then take little sweet don't give totally because it is needed but take little, that is just great.
Okay, but for all these you need to consult doctor and with that you have to take care yourself but don't take tension its not dangerous if you will be in contact with doctor and having no pain means it is not that much dangerous most of time.
If you want to know more about tonsillitis related issues then I will recommend you to buy my e-book which is having all details about solving this problem, okay lets talk about possible solution.
Actually, if you have recurrent tonsillitis that means you are having weak body so first of all you need to think about your health because it happened with weakness and most of the time immunity weakness.
What you can do for overcoming such recurrent tonsillitis problem-
I did the same and got very positive result from it, so you can discuss the problem with doctors properly and try to find out a reason behind it, will be helpful.
Well, doctor and I have shared with you three modes for getting solution for your problem but if you have problem recurrent then you need to away from allopathic medicine, at least I have learn from my own problem, that's why I am saying this.
Here is the two most important solution-
- Yoga &
- Homeopathy
Yes, two are most effective and help me a lot, if you are in India then you can choose any good homeopathy doctor with good tract recorder and of course it will take little time, I have also mention all these in my e-book.
Well, I know if you have landing this page and you have been reading this page till now then I am sure you are really sincere about your health okay then I will suggest you to go through all process hope this will help you.
Important Words from You-
I know having such problem always put mental pressure and I know taking right decision is most important, so here I have given all possible solution for having frequent or recurrent white spot on tonsil, it helps me and that's why it will help you.
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